Introduce New Science Vocabulary with a sample from Dinosaur, Dinosaur

sample Dinosaur Dinosaur a read together science book and introduce vocabulary

Reading informational texts is a key school skill starting in Kindergarten. Our kids are asked to interact with diverse vocabulary from many sources as they grow and learn – so introduce science vocabulary with our free Dinosaur Dinosaur download below. Reading with kids is how to build background knowledge and create meaningful experiences that will be the foundation of future learning.

Competence begins at home – with Read Together books and activities we give you tools to introduce vocabulary and practice skills needed in the classroom.

Reading with your children benefits their vocabulary development but also benefits their social development. Reading books together builds the connection they form with you. Students with strong relationships with their parents and caregivers were better liked by their peers in a recent research study. More and more information from neuroscience and studies on the developing brain confirm how influential parents are to long term success in life. Competence begins at home – with Read Together books and activities we give you tools to introduce vocabulary and practice skills needed in the classroom.

Introduce your kids to new science vocabulary with Dinosaur, Dinosaur: A Read Together Science Book Extra Learning Pages and buy the book on amazon! Join our community of parents and kids learning together and making strides in developing literacy with Learning Pages. Check out all the free stuff we give out that goes with Read Together books. Practice writing, keep kids busy with connect-the-dot images, and use your meaningful relationship to connect background knowledge that will benefit your child’s learning in all areas of life.


Get more free samples and text following this link Dinosaur, Dinosaur: A Read Together Science Book – Extra Learning Pages